TVML’s Donate page has all the information and options you need to make donating fast and easy! If you have questions about donating, please contact us.
Donate Online
Make a secure online donation through PayPal. Donating online does not require a PayPal account or login.
Donate Online Through The Columbus Foundation Giving Store
Use The Columbus Foundation website to make a donation to TriVillage Mentor League. Clicking the Donate button below will open a new browser tab to load The Columbus Foundation website.
Send Money to a TVML Email Address
If you have a favorite mobile app that sends money to a recipient’s email address, you can send a payment to
Send a Donation by Postal Mail
Please make your check payable to: TriVillage Mentor League.
Mailing Address
TriVillage Mentor League
c/o The City of Upper Arlington
3600 Tremont Road
Columbus, Ohio 43221
Nonprofit Status
TriVillage Mentor League is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.