The Tri-Village Mentor League is proud to offer the TVML/John Miller College Scholarship to graduating senior mentors from both Grandview and Upper Arlington.
These scholarships were created in memory of John Miller-former board member president and tireless advocate of mentoring-to celebrate graduating seniors. Those seniors chosen represent mentors who were devoted to the program, not only being physically present, but went above and beyond to connect and cherish their role with their mentee.
TVML would also like to recognize Pathways Financial Credit Union and the Columbus Young Professionals group for helping to make these scholarships possible.
Since 2006, to date, TVML has awarded over 95 college scholarships to well-deserving seniors.
We wish to congratulate the following TVML/John Miller scholarship winners for 2024…Giavanna Cantelmo, Freddie Keil, Evan Kingseed, and Ben Matter . Giovanna, Freddie, and Ben are all seniors at Grandview Heights High School. Evan is a senior at Upper Arlington High School.
2023: Cami Akers, Malik Shraim, Mackenzie Starter
2022: Abbie Baxter, Simone Chordas, Ava Cunningham
2021: Alecco Walli
2020: Carter Taylor, Allison Cleveland
2019: Jack Mignery, Charlie Fleming, Ryan Mazaferri, Linea Milner, Nya Feinstein, Gabrielle Caito
2018: Erin Preston, Amanda Mazaferri, Cameron Richards, Jamieson Mihosick
2017: Adrienne Bechtel, Claire Bills, Claire DiCuccio, Hope Willuger, Maddie DeVoe, Elizabeth Adams